SKOPOS explores how augmented reality heads up display can improve drivers navigation experience. This project is my prototyping strategy for a studio environment.
Why navigation?
The Reason that I am focusing on navigation when autonomous are eventually take over the driving is because that even though level 4 autonomous car is introduced, human driving car will coexist with autonomous cars until all the cars on the road becomes autonomous. Also the AR technology will be used on autonomous cars as well. This project is my case study for such scenario.
Problem Assumption
Turn-By-Turn Navigation
Head Up Display
Turn-By-Turn Navigation
Located out of driving line of sight
It is not perfectly synchronized with actual road
Visual and spoken instruction are hard to correlate with actual road
Head Up Display
Works based on the turn-by-turn navigation
Display in fixed in position
I have found a research paper regarding studies on navigation system usability problems. Titled, "Common Automotive Navigation System Usability Problems and a Standard Test Protocol to Identify Them" by Christopher Nowakowski, Paul Green and Omer Tsimhoni from University of California Berkeley and University of Michigan.
From the research, I have found the following problems that could be improved by augmented reality.
Not being able to find the beginning of a route.
Text and maps that are too small to read and do not contain critical information.
Voice commands that are incorrect, vague, or poorly timed.
mistimed rerouting.
Common Automotive Navigation System Usability Problems and a Standard Test Protocol to Identify Them.
What if it was real time dynamic navigation? (terminate delay and poor timing)
What if it overlaid the guidance on to the actual road? (so the driver can easily find a street to turn to or a ramp exit)
What if it tracked drivers head location? (so it is augmented without special glass to wear)
For the prototype, I have projected the programmed image from the bottom on to the mylar so it can be reflected on the acrylic. And webcam was used to track the users head.
Hardware: Acrylic, Foam-Cor Board, Mylar, Webcam, Projector, Laptop
Software: Processing, Madmapper
Next Step
Conduct User Test using the prototype in order to gain users insight. Validate if my solution works in real life.